Archives & Museum Informatics
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Professionals from cultural heritage institutions, systems and software
development companies, electronic publishers, schools and universities presented their latest work at ichim99. A full range of sessions addressed
key issues across the broad field of cultural heritage informatics.
Speaker Magness-Gardiner,x | Country Switzerland | Title Socio-technological | Type Demonstration |
Austin, David L. | USA | Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO): A User interacts with a rich image database | Paper |
Birdsey, Clare | United Kingdom | The Effect of Digital Technology on the Control of and Access to a Photographic Collection | Paper |
Bogomazova, Tatyana G. | Russia | Information Inquiries Of A Museum Visitor And Museum Information Space: In Search Of Adequacy | Paper |
Bordoni, Luciana | Italy | Some Guidelines for the Design of Multimedia Systems for the Representation of Figurative Art Heritage | Paper |
Boulanger, Pierre | Canada | CMC's 3-D Virtual Reality Theatre: VR Tours of Two Tombs during the Mysteries of Egypt Exhibition | Paper |
Briatte, Katell | France | From Images to Images: the ALADIN project | Paper |
Brown, Andrew | Australia | KE Software, Inc. | Exhibitor |
Callahan, Patrick | USA | The J. Paul Getty Trust | Exhibitor |
Colagrossi, Attilio | Italy | Some Guidelines for the Design of Multimedia Systems for the Representation of Figurative Art Heritage | Paper |
Corcoran, Frank | Canada | CMC's 3-D Virtual Reality Theatre: VR Tours of Two Tombs during the Mysteries of Egypt Exhibition | Paper |
Crofts, Nicholas | Switzerland | Introduction to the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model | Workshop |
Crofts, Nicholas | Switzerland | Electronic Esperanto: The Role of the Object Oriented CIDOC Reference Model | Paper |
Cronis, Theresa | USA | Gallery Systems | Exhibitor |
Dabney, Mary K. | USA | Virtual Reality and the Future of Publishing Archaeological Excavations: the multimedia publication of the prehistoric settlements on Tsoungiza at Anc | Paper |
Dallas, Costis | Greece | Cultural Authenticity in a Digital World | Panel |
Davenport, Glorianna | USA | Technologies and Methods for Interactive Exhibit Design: from wireless object and body tracking to wearable computers | Paper |
Davies, Andrew | USA | Un-Private: the reality of an interactive environment | Paper |
Davis, Ben H. | USA | The J. Paul Getty Trust | Exhibitor |
Degenhart Drenth, Bert | The Netherlands | ADLIB Information Systems | Exhibitor |
Despres-Lonnet, Marie | FRANCE | From Images to Images: the ALADIN project | Paper |
Devine, James | Scotland | Into the Labyrinth: The Minos Project | Paper |
DiSilvestro, Alessandra | Italy | User Requirements Acquisition for Museum Hypermedia | Paper |
Doerr, Martin | Greece | Introduction to the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model | Workshop |
Doerr, Martin | Greece | Electronic Esperanto: The Role of the Object Oriented CIDOC Reference Model | Paper |
Domike, Steffi | USA | Terminal Time | Paper |
Domike, Steffi | USA | Terminal Time - Interactive Theatre | Exhibitor |
Evans, James A. | United Kingdom | Portable Computers & Interactive Multimedia: a new paradigm for interpreting museum collections | Paper |
Garzotto, Franca | Italy | Design of Multimedia Applications (Web Sites and CD-ROMs) | Workshop |
Garzotto, Franca | Italy | Using and Re-using Archive Information for Multimedia Applications: the virtual museum of Italian computer science history | Paper |
Garzotto, Franca | Italy | User Requirements Acquisition for Museum Hypermedia | Paper |
Garzotto, Franca | Italy | Evaluation of Hypermedia Productions | Workshop |
Gay, Geri | USA | Designing Across Disciplines: negotiating collaborator interests in a digital museum project | Paper |
Geber, Kati | Canada | 'Guiding' the World to Canada's Museums: the yellow brick road or the straight and narrow? | Paper |
Gillespie, Thom | USA | Immersive Histories: Interactive Storytelling | Workshop |
Golding, Andy | United Kingdom | The Effect of Digital Technology on the Control of and Access to a Photographic Collection | Paper |