Speaker: Sivia Sadofsky
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Sivia Sadofsky

Technology Program Manager
Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia
6393 N.W. Marine Drive
Vancouver BC
V6T 1Z2 Canada

Sivia is the Technology lead for the Museum of Anthropology's Partnership of People's Renewal Project. She juggles her time between other MOA IT related projects, and the Reciprocal Research Network. Sivia has been involved in enhancing MOA’s existing IT infrastructure, developing an in-gallery access system to help visitors explore MOA’s collections, ensuring that the Reciprocal Research Network integrates with other Museum systems, facilitating changes to content availability via MOA’s website, sourcing and implementing digital asset and archival management systems, and developing an ongoing sustainability plan for IT at MOA by working closely with the IT Manager and the Information Manager.

Sivia will present Building an online research community: The Reciprocal Research Network. [Paper]