Museums and the Web 2005
Photo Credits
All Images are Copyright
© as cited below in the
Photo Credits

Thanks to those whose images appear on these pages. conference goerJ. Trant chattingJ. Trant
meetingJ. Trant meetingJ. Trant thinkingJ. Trant talkingJ. Trant J. Trant
demosJ. Trant talkingJ. Trant demosJ. Trant watching demosJ. Trant watching demosJ. Trant
watching demosJ. Trant watching demosJ. Trant watching demosJ. Trant interestedJ. Trant watchingJ. Trant
presentationsJ. Trant receptionsC. Mateos receptionsC. Mateos receptionsC. Mateos exhibitingJ. Trant
exhibitingJ. Trant conversationJ. Trant exhibitingJ. Trant exhibit hallJ. Trant exhibit hallJ. Trant
exhibit hallC. Mateos exhibit hallC. Mateos testingP. Marty interactive tableC. Mateos message in a bottleNorbert Kanter zetcom AC
session speaker listening to sessionsP. Marty listening to sessionsP. Marty listening to sessionsP. Marty listening to sessionsP. Marty
presenting a sessionC. Mateos presenting a workshopP. Marty presentingJ. Trant presentingJ. Trant vancouver from the airVancouver Tourist Board
vancouver from the airVancouver Tourist Board vancouver downtownVancouver Tourist Board vancouver inukshukVancouver Tourist Board vancouver and the mountainsVancouver Tourist Board vancouver at nightVancouver Tourist Board
vancouver and false creekVancouver Tourist Board vancouver art galleryVancouver Tourist Board Museum of AnthropologyMuseum of Anthropology breakfastsJ. Trant best of the webMW