Ongoing ...
- We are on extended sabbatical; email will usually find us, but we are working hard at being out of touch.
- our blogs have been retired: jennifer and David
In the Past ...
- Jennifer and David were on the Program Committee of Museums and the Web 2012
- David Bearman gave an invited paper "Revisiting Architectural Strategies for Digital Archive" at an International Semina on "The future of memory: the digital archival heritage" (Seminario internacional O futuro da memoria: o patrimonio arquivístico dixital) in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, November 19, 2010. Details in Spanish.
- Jennifer and David gave a joint presentation at the Museu Picasso, Barcelona, Spain, entitled "Reaching a Global Audience: Engaging the Local Visitor", on November 22, 2010. Details online.
- Jennifer Trant and David Bearman were co-chairs of Museums and the Web 2011, to be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 6-9, 2011.
- Jennifer spoke on curating digitally at the University of Toronto: "my name is ___ and i am a curator". Blog posting and presentation slides, in June 2011.
- David joined the editorial board of the ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage
- Jennifer Trant and David Bearman were co-chairs of Museums and the Web 2010, to be held in Denver, Colorado April 13-17, 2010.
- Jennifer Trant published "Emerging Convergence? Thoughts on museums, archives, libraries and the training of [information] professionals". Museum Management and Curatorship, 24(4), December, 2009. pp. 369-386. preprint available from
- Jennifer Trant released Tagging, Folksonomy and Art Museums: Results of’s research, full text available from
- David Bearman and Jennifer Trant presented at the International Conference on Museum Content, Technologies, IP management and beyond: Bridging the IP Gap: Realistic Models for Promoting Universal Access to Human Knowledge and Creativity, at Keio University, Tokyo. Conference site, January 24-25, 2009. Conference site. See Jennifer's presentation. See David's presentation.
- Jennifer Trant was Principal Investigator for the IMLS-funded research project: Researching folksonomy in the art museum