David Wood
11400 Branch Ct
Fredericksburg VA
David Wood is a partner of Zepheira, LLC. David is a software engineer and entrepreneur specializing in disruptive technologies. He is a former co-chair of the World Wide Web Consortium's Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group and was co-founder and CTO of Tucana Technologies, the first company to produce a commercial RDF database. Most recently, David was entrepreneur-in-residence at the MIND Laboratory within the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. David is a founding member of the Kowari Metastore, Mulgara Semantic Store and PURLZ Open Source Software projects. Dr. Wood is an adjunct instructor of Computer Science at the University of Mary Washington and researches the application of recombinant data techniques to software maintenance at The University of Queensland.
David will present Recollection: Building Communities for Distributed Curation and Data Sharing. [Paper]