Georgia Angelaki
Project Coordinator
c/o the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands
The European Library Office
PO Box 90407
The Hague LK
The Netherlands
Georgia Angelaki graduated from the Media and Communication Department of the Panteion University of Athens in 2001 with a specialization in cultural management. Between 2003 and 2005 she did a Leonardo MA in Multimedia Project Management at the Media Department of the University of Athens and worked for a media education NGO and in the film production sector in Greece. As an intern at the European Commission in DG Information Society and Media in 2006 she followed the beginnings of the i2010 Digital Libraries initiative and she produced a report on the status around the digital legal deposit laws and practices among EU member states. Georgia joined The European Library in September 2006. She is currently managing projects for The European Library (TELplus) and Europeana (ATHENA, PrestoPRIME, EUscreen).
Georgia will present ATHENA: A Mechanism for Harvesting Europe's Museum Holdings into Europeana. [Paper]