Speaker: Dave Schaepe
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Dave Schaepe

Stó:lō Research and Resource Management
Bldg. 7-7201 Vedder Road
Chilliwack BC

Dave Schaepe is co-director of the Sto:lo Research Resource Management Centre. Some of his primary responsibilities include administering Sto:lo Nation’s heritage policy, archaeological permitting system, and artifact repository, conducting archaeological research and development related assessments of all types; facilitating university-run archaeological field school programs; and maintaining involvement in cross-cultural public education. He sits as the Sto:lo Nation/Tribal Council representative on the RRN Steering Group. Dave holds a PhD in Archaeology.

Dave will present Building an online research community: The Reciprocal Research Network. [Paper]