Monika Hagedorn-Saupe
Institute for Museum Research
In der Hald 1
Berlin D-14195
Prof. Monika Hagedorn-Saupe studied mathematics, sociology, psychology, and adult education at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, at Kings College London, and at the Freie Universität Berlin. Since 1994, she has been Head of the department "Visitor-related museum research and museum statistics" in the Institut for Museum Research. She is responsible for several European projects and acts as the Deputy Director of the Institute.
Since 1997 she chairs the Special Interest Group on Documentation (Fachgruppe Dokumentation) in the German museum association (Deutscher Museumsbund e.V.) and is Secretary of CIDOC, the documentation committee in ICOM. Currently she is a board member of the German Museum Association and represents ICOM-Europe at the EDL-Foundation. Since 2006 she is Honorary Professor at the University of Applied Science HTW in Berlin and teaches museology.
WP Leader on dissemination in ATHENA.
Monika will present ATHENA: A Mechanism for Harvesting Europe's Museum Holdings into Europeana. [Paper]