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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License



Count Me In Corporation

Through leading technology and outstanding customer service, we enable our customer organizations to enhance and increase their program offerings and vastly improve their relationships with their participants, members, volunteers and donors.

Count Me In Corporation is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and has an office in Vancouver, Canada. The leading provider of online solutions for registration, payment, and program management to organizations with paid programs and membership, the Count Me In™ service provides both an external website and an internal administration tool. The hosted, customer branded website displays the unique programs and content, and allows the organization's participants, members, volunteers and donors to register and pay online. The non-technical administration tool allows the organization to publish their programs, activities, information, rosters, schedules, and resources and to communicate with program participants, members, volunteers and donors. Unparalleled in its sophistication and breadth, Count Me In is the solution for leading organizations.


Leonard Fialdini
Museum Sales Director
Count Me In Corporation
411 - 108th Ave NE #720
Bellevue WA
98004 USA