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Updated: July 16, 2003 |
The seventh annual Museums and the Web conference took place March 19-22, 2003. MW2003 was the premier international venue to review the state of the Web in arts, culture, and heritage. The formal program consisted of two plenary sessions, eighteen parallel sessions, 35 museum project demonstrations, dozens of commercial exhibits, full-day and half-day pre-conference workshops, and one-hour mini-workshops combined with a day-long usability lab, a day- long design "crit room", and the Best of the Web awards. All papers presented at MW2003 are peer reviewed. A selection are available in print from Archives & Museum Informatics. The informal program at MW2003 included full day pre-conference tours, evening receptions each night, Birds-of-a-Feather breakfasts, and hours of discovery and debate among hundreds of colleagues from more that 35 countries. Who Came? Get the Book / Read the Papers Selected Papers from Museums and the Web 2003 are available in print, accompanied by a CD-ROM with all the papers presented at the meeting. Order online at You can also find papers on-line: follow the links from the Speakers or Sessions pages, to Abstracts. The Title in the Abstract links to the Paper. When's the next MWConference?
Conference Co-Chairs
MW2003 Program Committee
Organizers Museums and the Web is organized by Archives & Museum Informatics.