
Image-Based Implicit Object Modeling: Direct and Indirect Multi-Resolution Methods
Augusto Sarti , Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Stefano Tubaro , Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Session: Technology: 3D Acquisition and Modeling

In this paper we propose two image-based modeling solutions that share the same multi-resolution implicit representation based on level sets. The first method (indirect approach) starts with a set of depth-maps (2D1/2 surface patches) generated through local reconstruction. Such range images are then registered and assembled together in sort of a patchwork, which is finally fused into a global model through a novel multiresolution level-set evolution technique. This method is able to seamlessly "sew" the surface overlaps together, and to reasonably "mend" all the holes that remain after surface assembly, which usually correspond to the non-visible portions of the object surface. This indirect approach is also suitable for the fusion of partial reconstructions obtained with laser scanners and range cameras. The second method (direct approach) performs the shaping of the level set using all the available images directly. The computational efficiency of both solutions is guaranteed by the fact that they work in a multi-resolution fashion.

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Published: 01/09/01
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