Museums and the Web 1999

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Archives & Museum Informatics
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Published: March 1999.


Jennifer Trant

Executive Director
Art Museum Image Consortium
2008 Murray Ave. Suite D
Pittsburgh PA
15217 USA

Jennifer Trant is a Partner in Archives & Museum Informatics. She also serves as the Executive Director of the Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO), and Editor-in-Chief of Archives and Museum Informatics: the cultural heritage informatics quarterly from Kluwer Academic Publishers. She is co-chair of Museums and the Web and ichim99, and is on the program committee of the Digital Libraries 1999 conference, and the Board of the Media and Technology Committee of the American Association of Museums.

Prior to joining Archives & Museum Informatics in 1997, Jennifer Trant was responsible for Collections and Standards Development at the Arts and Humanities Data Service, King's College, London, England. As Director of Arts Information Management, she consulted regarding the application of technology to the mission of art galleries and museums. Clients included the Getty Information Institute (then the Getty Art History Information Program) for whom she managed the Imaging Initiative and directed the activities of the Museum Educational Site Licensing Project (MESL). She also prepared the report of the Art Information Task Force (AITF), entitled Categories for the Description of Works of Art for the College Art Association and AHIP.

A specialist in arts information management, Trant has worked with automated documentation systems in major Canadian museums, including the National Gallery of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Architecture, where she developed and implemented common cataloguing standards for the Prints and Drawings, Photographs, and Archives Collections. She has been actively involved in the definition of museum data standards, participating in numerous committees and regularly publishing articles and presenting papers about issues of access and intellectual integration. Her current interests center around the use information technology and communications networks to improve access to cultural heritage information, and to integrate the culture fully into digital libraries for research, learning and enjoyment.

Jennifer participated in a Panel Discussion
Jennifer presented information on Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO)